Tuesday 17 April 2012

Fuck Zen: Thoughts on Inspiration.

  • Sever your incoming connections with the world.
    Isolate yourself within yourself.
    Yes - even email:
    Especially email.
  • To get inspired, watch, read or listen to something awful that someone you know has made.
    Do not despise them for making it - celebrate it! They created something! That is a powerful achievement!  And to boot, they are now one up on you!
    But still allow yourself to feel mortified that it is out in the world, and then steel your resolve!
    Use the anger to get motivated, and make something better!

  • Do not write cold.
    Warm up.
    Would you expect an athlete to compete in an olympic competition without stretching?

  • Fuck zen.

  • If you can't write, draw.
    If you can't draw, play guitar.
    If you can't play guitar, pace in circles around your room.
    If you can't pace in circles around your room, sleep.
    If you can't sleep, write.

  • The internet is not your friend.
    It hates you.

  • Do not think.
    Once again: DO NOT THINK.

  • Holism.
    Write from the middle of your torso, just below your heart,
    Where you can still feel your guts in it.

  • Background music is okay if you don't know the lyrics.

  • Stop trying.

  • Abundance; not scarcity.
    Why can't I have everything I want, when I want it, as I want it?

  • Do not sit back in your chair.
    Lean forward.
    It may be bad for your posture, but it's good for your soul.