Thursday 19 December 2013

Little Whispers In The Sky

I sat on the front steps smoking and looking at the black night in the trees, in the forest; a few scattered stars up above, little puncture wounds in the nothing, little reminders of mortality, little whispers that seem to say, "There is no real death."  I wonder sometimes if we build our cities simply to block them out, to turn away from their silent friendship and forget the implications of their existence, building up our own versions of events, electric inauthentic, blasting back into space, rubbing out the atmosphere, making blank the canvas, putting fingers in our ears, pretending not to recognize an old friend at a party. 

Now the train slips up the coastline track, the glorious green of this temperate tropic - trees that grovel, trees that slither, all fresh, all hungry. But I can still hear the chorus in the forest, like something from a hidden memory, incense burning in the magic; the hut standing tall and proud like a gypsy soothsayer expecting you; wooden steps that croaked and a balcony made for soft conversations, little gatherings; and the frogs barking, the owls holding court, the nighttime creatures playing at their wares. We sat among them, cocooned in their warm cacophony, and the smell of wood smoke. I felt safe inside your jumper, and knew you wouldn't mind the stale cigarette smoke I was leaving in the cotton, like a message, little traces of myself, secret whispers, like the stars, to remind you, "There is no real death."

Thursday 14 November 2013

In the Ether Between

Splendid nothing echoing down the endless entropy
Static stars cast like failed gambles
Shadows sleeping like drunks on the sidewalk
Heat that pools in the afternoon -
Too heavy to hold itself aloft -
Treacle thick, golden,
Baking weight;
The city that hangs like a forlorn teen
Food nights and beery afternoons;
And every so often a rape or murder to remind us.
Pretend unknowns -
Souls that have forgotten
Trapped as they are in the
Flesh in the
Clothes in the
Names in the
Howling out for
Clearer definition.
The forever to remember us as
Broken pixels -
Tap the screen to get them unstuck.
The materialists got the upper hand and
We swoon like a love-struck mark
Sighing at the con-man's every well-delivered word.

Monday 2 September 2013


Undo the constraints of skin,
Let the universe expire
And my heart beat bloody in
Your palms,
So then we might know
Once and for all
If it is real.
If this evening should dip
Into yet another grin of
And the skin grow over the teeth,
And the tongue dry up,
And the blood bloom deep in the throat
Of all our nodding
So that the machinations can continue,
And the constraints can hold:

Then let your eyes be like ellipses
That lead to a better version
Of us.

Monday 24 June 2013

Lessons from the elderly

The little girl is two, maybe younger.  She has olive skin and dark, serious eyes that lock intently on the world and its great variety of things which dance and tumble about before her in all their newness.

She peers over her seat at an elderly woman, who smiles back sweetly.  They play games for a while - the child's absorbing eyes concentrating on the woman's pale skin, wrinkled kindly with age, like old tree bark.

It comes time to go. The woman says good-bye and waves her hand, clapping it like a clamshell.  The girl gazes back ponderously, clinging to the seat, uncertain of the gesture.

The bus stops and the woman steps down onto the sidewalk; the child watches her, silently mouthing this new word, this new sound, 'Bye.'

She mumbles, trying out the one-hand clap, motioning it at the now empty seat. An empty clamshell mouthing silence.

She murmurs it again.

'Bye... Bye... Bye...'

Tuesday 30 April 2013

Excerpt from an old notebook.

Writing is like staring at a wall for hours upon hours, trying to decide what to paint it, then suddenly realising you can just knock the whole thing down and extend the room.

Friday 26 April 2013

The Bold Fantastic

Sweetest dreams of the bold fantastic
Deepest breaths of the purest air
Longest strides 'pon the sidewalk asphalt
Clearest view of the path ahead
Strongest love for the daring cosmic
Freest laugh of the human fare
Mine's a hunger for the wildest beauty
Mine is joy for the living rare

Saturday 9 February 2013

Corporate Poetry

The terror of the evening -
Faux-friends falling in fallow fawnings all around;
The consequences cavernous
And shivering like too much air-conditioning;
Echoes of your ego reflected in the eyes
Of every hopeful
Clutching at pamphlets
Just a little too tight;
The meritocracy of dead-eyed double speak;
The language of impotence;
Corporate poetry.

Retrospectively intuited,
You are never wrong.

Catching, catching - a disease, a plague of ego.

Outside the temple,
I opened my mouth and spoke in tongues,
Feverishly babbling the sounds of saviour,
Hiding my truth in the folds of ones and zeroes
That made up the cadence of my voice.

A hysteria of fervent idealism.

The prophecy struck, though,
For the confidants fell down in holy terror, holy awe,
And were converted by the purity of my reason.

Nanotech minds;
Spurious fragments of thinking
Hooked on thin awareness and
Skittish absolutions:
You are everywhere at once,
And nowhere completely.