Friday 27 April 2018

Slow drift down the river time

A cast-off moment of pause
Where the doubt seeps in
like mildew
Or a cool frost up between the floorboards
the chinks in armour
the bleary-eyed sobriety
caught early-morning reaching for the wine -
O time -
And yr slow epiphanies
Writ lazily along the day-to-day
and tragedies
and farce

we're managing okay

I am here
But my heart vanished
Long ago

Ancient Hunger

Something deep, and still, and dark, and cool;
A rock pool - opaque -
Cloaked and ringed by the outstretched boughs of a shadowy wood,
Laced by verdant green,
Smelling of wet, and age,
Trees huddled round like crones before an altar 
For unknown gods;
Here this primal well -
You find all the night's fiery glory whole upon its surface,
Glassy, ancient, voracious;
The obelisk of memory.
Nighttime critters fall a'hush as you near.
Be wary of your step;
Only the bones of those before you know how deep its hunger runs.