Sunday 25 March 2007

Did You See What People Do?

We get it right, we get it wrong,
We move along, we move along,
We sing our songs and hide our heat,
And o'er Heaven's guise we weep,
For standards that we cannot keep
Coagulate in colours deep within
Our sleeping chest of sorrows;
So spurning on the empty morrow,
And burning what we cannot borrow
We bow along to touch what follows first,
An empty and beholden thirst
For vengeance in our sacred curse -
Callous and contrary verse
Used to steal our neighbour's purse
And spelled upon the altar;
We cannot falter!
We cannot fall!
We cannot fail or He'll damn us all!
And sick with fear we'll favour
Two dimensional behaviour
And believe our only saviour
Lives in lines between the words.