Monday 12 September 2011

These Are The Tenets of Existence I Hold to be True at 27 yrs of Age.

  • What you think will eventually become manifest in reality.
  • Food makes everything better.
  • Meditation is very important - but it is not the answer to everything.
  • No matter what you might believe at the time, there is always another way to think about a problem.
  • It is possible for you to "make it" on your own - but it is far less interesting to do so.
  • Never mistake "spiritual understanding" for disassociation - it is easy to confuse the two.
  • Trust what you feel, and feel what you think.  If you feel nothing, that is a sign.
  • Everything is always okay.
  • Walking is the best form of exercise you can get.
  • Love comes in many forms, but real love is something that you do not have to think about.  Because you can't.